Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Garage sale, goodbye home...

I'm having a garage sale this week and I'm trying to decide what goes and what stays.  I've already gotten rid of so much.  One thing I've discovered, I can't sell any family furniture, or furniture I've had since I've been married. There are actually quite a few wonderful pieces I've aquired over the last 34 years. There's the antique pie safe I bought from a friend for $100 about 33 years ago. Then there's the china cabinet, the wash stand, the kidney bean desk from the 30's, the sweet wooden rocking horse we bought for our son for his 1st birthday.  It was already about 40 years old by then.  That makes it about 70 years old now. But it's not just the beauty they obviously hold, it's the memories.....I didn't think I'd be this sentimental, funny that when you get older everything changes.

I feel odd, I don't feel like I'm really here anymore; I don't feel like it's my home anymore.  After 20 years, it certainly has loved us.  We haven't loved 'it' as much as 'it' has loved us. This house almost feels as if it has a soul, like it's a living thing.  Maybe it is and we just don't know about things like that yet.
I'm sitting here watching the rain beginning to fall. The huge window we recycled from the kitchen is like a giant piece of artwork that frames  all the beautiful plants, trees and flowers I see on our gorgeous brick patio.  The patio light is on and it shines on the old white lattice arbor. It looks like something from the old south with the clay lion face hanging on one of its pillars.  Usually it would be even more beautiful because on the inside all would be clean, organized and gleamingly homey.  Usually there isn't a space in my home that is not something I carefully chose knowing it would be part of my soul. But tonight there are things on the dining table waiting to be priced for the garage
sale this week. Just pieces of my soul with little colored tags on them priced to sell.

The good news is that we were able to get full asking price.  We do have to put a new roof on, which is this real estate market full asking price is great.
Okay, so the rain has stopped and I need to quit drinking vodka and get to bed.  Tomorrow is a new day...see ya ever....

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